Mervyn Dymally (1923- )

Mervyn Dymally (1923- )

Mervyn Malcolm Dymally, an African American politician from Los Angeles, California who has served in the California Assembly, the State Senate and as a U.S. Congressman.  He is also the first African American Lt. Governor of California.  Dymally is now once again in...
H. Ford Douglas (1831-1865)

H. Ford Douglas (1831-1865)

Captain Hezekiah Ford Douglas was born in Virginia in 1831 to a white man named William Douglas, and an enslaved mother named Mary.  He escaped from slavery sometime after his fifteenth birthday, and moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Working as a barber, the self-educated...
Keve Bray (1925-1972)

Keve Bray (1925-1972)

Seattle businessman and political activist Keve Bray played an essential role in the local civil rights movement and is especially notable for his role in the black power movement in the Central District.  Bray was born on June 9, 1925.  Very little is known about...