Faith Ringgold (1930-2024)

February 11, 2010 
/ Contributed By: Donnette Hatch Atiyah

Faith Ringgold|

Faith Ringgold in front of Tar Beach #2 (1990) quilt

Photo (cropped) by Kathy Willens

Visual artist, storyteller and feminist activist, Faith Ringgold was born on October 8, 1930 in Harlem Hospital, New York City to Andrew Louis Jones, Sr. and Willie Edell Jones (Willi Posey), a fashion designer and dressmaker.  An arts graduate from City College in New York City, Ringgold was Professor of Art at the University of San Diego until retirement in 2003. She divided her residence between New York and New Jersey home/studios and Southern California.

Ringgold’s international reputation reflected a broad art world appreciation initiated primarily through extensive traveling shows and appearances on university campuses.  Her versatile expression included paintings, Tibetan-style tankas, performance art, masks, freestanding sculptures and painted quilts.  All were represented in museums nationwide and international collections.  Her publications, primarily storybooks for children, complete this impressive catalogue.  Tar Beach, which won the Caldecott Award for 1992, is acknowledged by many as a children’s classic.

Ringgold’s writing and visual art creations were motivated by her interest in themes of African identity and history, including struggle, social transformation, freedom, and overcoming adversity. For instance, Tar Beach and Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky (1992) denote freedom through their flying characters.  Also, although some of her images were sometimes bloody, for example, “The Flag is Bleeding,” her other work promoted peaceful change and transformation.  Such works included My Dream of Martin Luther King (1998) and If a Bus Could Talk (1999). The latter is a depiction of Rosa Parks’ life during a period when the Ku Klux Klan and the nightriders terrified African Americans.

Parks’ story was paralleled by the Martin Luther King, Jr.’s story that embraces a peaceful fight for civil rights.  While the same concept of courage, freedom and peace resonate in The Invisible Princes and Dancing at the Louvre, Faith Ringgold’s French Collection and Other Quilt Stories, presented a selected overview in paintings and texts of her famed story quilts.  Illustrations of Ringgold’s works, which date from the 1980s and 1990s enliven the text appropriate for young to older adults.

Faith Ringgold received more than 75 awards, fellowships and citations as well as 17 honorary doctorates and honors (including the prestigious Solomon R. Guggenheim Fellowship) and two National Endowment for the Arts awards.

Faith Ringgold died at her home in Englewood, New Jersey on April 13, 2024.  She was 93.

About the Author

Author Profile

Donnette Hatch Atiyah was born in Salt Lake city, Utah. She studied in Great Britain for a year as a Fulbright Scholar before settling in New York City where she commenced painting studies at the Art Students League. After she completed the Masters of Fine Arts program at the University of Utah in 1973, Donnette returned to New York City as a freelance painter-artist and was granted a 1976 MacDowell Fellowship for residence in Peterborough, New Hampshire where she prepared her solo shows for the Boise Art Museum and subsequently, The Kimball Art Center, Park City, Utah

In New York City, Donnette taught studio art and art history for 22 years at Horace Mann Prep School while serving as a docent at the New Museum of Contemporary Art for ten years. A graduate program at City University of New York offered study of African American literature, feminism, and comparative world literature. Noted scholars in these fields inspired her and complimented earlier world-view studies.


Atiyah, D. (2010, February 11). Faith Ringgold (1930-2024).

Source of the Author's Information:

Dan Cameron, ed., Dancing at the Louvre: Faith Ringgold’s French Collection and Other Story Quilts (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999); Donnette Hatch, “Faith Ringgold.” Encyclopedia of African American Literature, Wilfred D. Samuels, ed., New York: Facts on File, 2007): 437-438.

Further Reading