Peter Anderson (ca. 1822-1879)

February 12, 2007 
/ Contributed By: Susan Bragg


The Pacific Appeal

Public domain image

Born in Pennsylvania, little is known about Anderson before he arrived in California at the end of the California Gold Rush. In 1854, Anderson established a tailor shop in San Francisco and plunged into the city’s small but energetic African American community, participating in California Colored Citizen’s Conventions held throughout the 19th century.

As California law then denied African Americans the rights to vote, send their children to public schools, or even testify in court, delegates at the first Colored Citizens’ Convention in 1855 demanded civil rights for African Americans and proposed establishing a newspaper to voice black protest. Recognizing black vulnerability in California, Anderson also proposed emigrating to Sonora, Mexico at both the 1855 and 1858 conventions but the Civil War provided new energy to African American political protest in the 1860s. By 1862, Anderson established the Pacific Appeal under the slogan, “He who would be free, himself must strike the blow.”

Under the direction of Anderson and his co-editor, Philip A. Bell, the Pacific Appeal created an important network among black Californians. But Anderson and Bell increasingly quarreled and in 1865, Bell launched his own newspaper, the Elevator. Until Anderson’s death in 1879, the editors clashed repeatedly over political strategy and partisan loyalty. Initially suspicious of the Republican party, Anderson later insisted that Republican allegiance would ensure civil rights reforms. Bell’s political influenced eclipsed that of Anderson in the 1870s but the debates between these two editors demonstrated the political vitality of California’s 19th century black community.

About the Author

Author Profile

Susan Bragg is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southwestern State University in Americus, Georgia. Before that she was a Visiting Professor of History at the State University of New York at Binghamton. Her University of Washington dissertation examined gendered discourses in early 20th century NAACP activism. She has also written extensively on 19th Century African Americans in California. She has published articles in California History among other journals. Her article “’Anxious Foot Soldiers’: Sacramento’s Black Women and Education in Nineteenth-Century California” appeared in Quintard Taylor and Shirley Moore, eds., African American Women Confront the West, 1600-2000 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003).


Bragg, S. (2007, February 12). Peter Anderson (ca. 1822-1879).

Source of the Author's Information:

Delilah Beasley, The Negro Trail Blazers of California (Los Angeles, 1919; reprinted, New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1998); Rudolph M. Lapp, Blacks in Gold Rush California (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977).

Further Reading