Charles Bellinger (1875-1937)

January 18, 2007 
/ Contributed By: Alwyn Barr


Charles Bellinger

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Charles Bellinger, a businessman and political leader, was born in Caldwell County, Texas on April 15, 1875.  From his youth on a farm he moved to Lockhart and worked in a saloon.  With his savings as well as loans, he opened a saloon in San Antonio during 1906 and also became known as a gambler.  His businesses grew to embrace a café, a pool hall, a baseball team, real estate sales, a taxi service, a barbershop, a theater, a private lottery, loans, and liquor sales in the prohibition era.

Bellinger became active in city politics during 1918 when he joined African American ministers to organize black voters for several successful candidates for mayor and other local offices.  These city leaders responded with water and sewers, street paving and lighting, a library and auditorium, and better schools and playgrounds in African American neighborhoods.  Bellinger also founded the San Antonio Register, with his son Valmo as editor, to represent his political views and the interests of the black community.  African American voting in San Antonio led legislators to enact a state white primary law during the 1920s, which resulted in federal court judgments ending such disenfranchisement by the 1940s.

Political conflicts in the 1930s led to charges against Bellinger for evading income taxes, which resulted in a fine and brief penitentiary time.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt granted Bellinger a parole because of illness, and pleas from San Antonio leaders and his family.  Charles Bellinger died June 14, 1937.

About the Author

Author Profile

Alwyn Barr is professor of history at Texas Tech University and a former chair of the history department. Among his five authored books are: Black Texans: A History of African Americans in Texas, 1528-1995, 2nd ed.; Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996), and African Texans, College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2004. He also has edited, with Robert A. Calvert, Black Leaders: Texans for Their Times, Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1980; and has written the Introduction to Black Cowboys of Texas, edited by Sara R. Massey, College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2000, as well as several articles on African American history in professional journals. He is a former president of the Texas State Historical Association and a former board member of Humanities Texas.


Barr, A. (2007, January 18). Charles Bellinger (1875-1937).

Source of the Author's Information:

Kenneth Mason, African Americans and Race Relations in San Antonio, Texas, 1867-1937 (New York:Garland Publishing, Inc., 1998).

Further Reading