Bessie Stringfield (1911-1993)

August 06, 2015 
/ Contributed By: Euell A. Dixon

|Bessie Stringfield in Miami ca. 1955

Bessie Stringfield

Fair use image

In 1930 Bessie Stringfield became the first African American woman to ride her motorcycle across the United States solo. Her feat was credited with breaking down barriers for both women and African-American motorcyclists.

Born Betsy Leonora Ellis on February 9, 1911, in Kingston, Jamaica, she was the daughter of Maria Ellis, a domestic servant, and James Ferguson, her employer. Betsy and her parents migrated to Boston, Massachusetts but both died of smallpox. Orphaned when Betsy was five years old, she was adopted by a wealthy Irish woman who raised her as a Catholic. It is unclear when and why Bessie rather than Betsy became her given name. On Bessie’s sixteenth birthday, her mother gave her a motorcycle, “even though good girls didn’t ride motorcycles.”

In 1927 Ellis climbed aboard her first bike, an Indian Scout. Although she had no prior knowledge of operating the controls, she started the motorcycle and easily mastered it. Between the 1930s and the early 1940s, Ellis made eight long-distance solo rides across the United States. During this time, she earned money from performing motorcycle stunts in carnival shows. Due to her skin color, Ellis was often denied accommodations while traveling and was forced to sleep on her motorcycle at gasoline stations.

During World War II, Bessie Ellis worked for the U.S. Army as a civilian motorcycle dispatch rider, carrying documents between domestic bases on her Harley-Davidson bike. The only woman in her unit, she completed rigorous training maneuvers including learning how to weave a makeshift bridge from rope and tree limbs to cross swamps. Ellis regularly encountered racial prejudice while on the road. Once she was followed by a man in a pickup truck who deliberately ran her into a ditch, violently knocking her off her bike.

In between her travels, Ellis wed and divorced six times. After she and her first husband were deeply saddened by the loss of three babies, she had no more children. Upon divorcing her third husband, Arthur Stringfield, she said, “He asked me to keep his name because I’d made it famous!”

By the early 1950s, Stringfield ended her motorcycle odysseys across the United States. She bought a house in Miami, Florida, suburb and became a licensed practical nurse. She continued to ride locally, however, and founded the Iron Horse Motorcycle Club. Disguised as a man, Stringfield won a local motorcycle race but was denied the prize money when she took off her helmet. Her other antics, including riding her Harley while standing in its saddle, attracted local press attention. Reporters called Stringfield, the “Negro Motorcycle Queen” at first and then later the “Motorcycle Queen of Miami.” In the absence of children, she found joy in her pet dogs, some of whom paraded with her on her motorcycle.

In 1990 when the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) opened the first Motorcycle Heritage Museum in Pickerington, Ohio, Stringfield was featured in its inaugural exhibit on Women in Motorcycling. Late in life, Stringfield suffered from symptoms caused by an enlarged heart. She died in Opa-laka, Florida, in 1993 at the age of eighty-two.

A decade later, the AMA instituted the Bessie Stringfield Award to honor women who are leaders in motorcycling. In 2002 she was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame.

About the Author

Author Profile

Multiple business owner Euell Dixon (formerly Nielsen) was born on November 3, 1973, in Sewell, New Jersey. The youngest daughter of scientist and author Eustace A. Dixon II and Travel Agent Eleanor Forman, Euell was an early reader and began tutoring at The Verbena Ferguson Tutoring Center for Adults at the age of 13. She has owned and operated five different companies in the past 20 years including Show and Touch, Stitch This, Get Twisted, Dimaje Photography, and Island Treazures.

Euell is a Veteran of the U.S. Army (Reserves) and a member of the Order of Eastern Star, House of Zeresh #103. She is also the 3rd Historian for First African Presbyterian Church, the nation’s oldest African American Presbyterian church, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Additionally, Euell is also a photographer, storyteller, fiber artist, and a historical re-enactor, portraying the lives of Patriot Hannah Till, Elizabeth Gloucester, and Henrietta Duterte. Euell has been writing for since 2014 and was given an award from the site in 2016 for being the only African American female who had almost 100 entries at the time. Since then, she has written over 300 entries. Euell currently lives in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.


Dixon, E. (2015, August 06). Bessie Stringfield (1911-1993).

Source of the Author's Information:

Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame, Bessie Stringfield,; “Bessie
Stringfield, Motorcyclist”; Good Spark Garage,
; “Bessie
Stringfield, a True Legend,” Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys, March 2,
Natalie Windsor and Ann Ferrar, Hear Me Roar: Women, Motorcycles and the
Rapture of the Road
(New York: Three Rivers Press, 1996).

Further Reading