Ava Speese Day (1912-1988)

January 14, 2007 
/ Contributed By: Khadijah Matin

DeWitty settlement children

Courtesy Nebraska State Historical Society

Born in 1912, Ava Speese (Day) traveled with her family in 1915 to homestead in Cherry County, Nebraska.  Taking advantage of the Kincaid Homestead Act of 1904, the Speese family, Charles and Rosetta Meehan Speese and their nine children, were among forty African American families who made land claims throughout the county. Some of the settlers founded a small town they named DeWitty after a local black store owner.

Years later, Ava Speese wrote about her life in the Sand Hills of Nebraska, an account that would provide a rare glimpse into African Americans on the Nebraska frontier.  Ava’s narrative recalled a difficult life for African Americans in north central Nebraska but she also described a resourceful and vital community.  Like most homesteaders of the era, the Speeses lived in a sod home which originally consisted of one room but which grew as the family prospered.  She recalled many a night watching her mother bake bread and sew their clothing by hand.  Learning to be resourceful, Ava and her siblings made toothbrushes out of burnt corn cobs, and natural herbs were used to ward off colds and the flu. Ava Speese attended two one-room, wood frame schools in Cherry County where she learned to value education.

The Speese family raised and sold range cattle, horses and mules after they discovered the Sand Hills weren’t good for large commercial crops such as wheat. They grew their own vegetables and fruit. The social life of the community revolved around attending church and school events and the annual picnic at “Daddy Hannah’s” place on the first Sunday in August where all of the settlers gathered for food, speeches and a rodeo.  Other important social events included square dances, recitations and readings by children and adults. Music was an important part of community life; everyone sang, or tried to, and the homes where there was a piano or organ were often the place of many a party.

Ava’s family officially filed their claim in 1921, six years after arriving in Cherry County.  By that year, however, the family fortunes began to decline.  In 1925, the Speese family left the Sand Hills for Pierre, South Dakota. Ava Speece Day passed away on November 9, 1988 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

About the Author

Author Profile

Rev. Khadijah Matin, M.S., has combined over 30 years of service in the areas of history, health and adult education. In the area of African American History, her work includes the Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society, serving as its National President. Her research focus areas include Midwest history and Native American/African-American research. Additionally, she lectures and performs as a storyteller focusing on her family’s history in the Midwest (Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska) and Ontario Canada and 19th and 20th century African-American history. Khadijah is also an Executive Board member of the Kansas Institute for African American and Native American Family History (KIAANAFH).

Inspired by her faith, Khadijah believes that the work in African American history and genealogy is a calling and a blessing. The works of her children Karim, Ibrahim and Jehan also are a source of inspiration.


Matin, K. (2007, January 14). Ava Speese Day (1912-1988). BlackPast.org. https://new.blackpast.org/african-american-history/day-ava-speese-1912/

Source of the Author's Information:

Sod House Memories, Vol. I-IV, ed. Frances Jacob Alberts (Hastings, Neb.: Sod House Society, 1972), Vol. 3:253-267; Forrest H. Stith, Sunrises & Sunsets For Freedom, p. 26-36; http://www.nebraskahistory.org/lib-arch/research/manuscripts/family/ava-day.htm.

Further Reading