Akai Kareem Gurley (1986-2014)

October 21, 2017 
/ Contributed By: Euell A. Dixon

Akai Kareem Gurley

Akai Kareem Gurley

Fair use image

Akai Gurley was tragically and senselessly killed while walking down the stairwell of his apartment building with his girlfriend. His death, like the deaths of Trayvon MartinSandra BlandTamir Rice, and Michael Brown, helped inspire and propel the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Gurley was 28 years of age at the time of the shooting. He was born in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and moved to New York with his family as a child. On November 20, 2014, Gurley was getting his hair braided by his girlfriend Kimberly Ballinger at the Louis H. Pink Houses in the East New York section of Brooklyn, New York. The two lived together with their two-year-old daughter, Akaila. Gurley and Ballinger exited the building by way of the stairs since the building elevator was out of service. The lights were also malfunctioning, so the stairwell was dark. Gurley and Ballinger entered the stairwell on the 7th floor, just a floor below Officers Shaun Landau and Peter Liang, who were routinely patrolling the building.

As the two officers approached the next stairwell, Officer Liang, a 27-year-old rookie who had just graduated the academy a year before this incident, pulled out his flashlight and unholstered his service firearm, a 9mm Glock. Officer Liang opened the door to the stairwell and was immediately startled by a noise in the stairwell.  He later claimed that the noise caused him to discharge his weapon. The single bullet ricocheted off the wall and struck Gurley in the chest. Startled, Gurley ran down two flights of stairs before realizing he was shot and collapsed on the 5th floor.

Neither officer stopped to perform any life-saving techniques on Gurley. Officer Liang chose to call his union representative, while Officer Landau called the situation to the local police station house. When paramedics arrived, Gurley was pronounced dead at the scene. Both officers Landau and Liang were removed from duty, pending court proceedings. Officer Landau returned to duty, but after a Grand Jury indictment, prosecutors ordered the arrest of Officer Liang. Facing up to 15 years in prison for second-degree manslaughter, Officer Liang pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was convicted in the shooting of Akai Gurley. He was fired from the NYPD. However, on April 19, 2016, Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Danny Chun reduced Officer Liang’s sentence to just five years on probation and 800 hours of community service. No charges were filed against Officer Landau. The Gurley family continued to press its lawsuit against the city and was awarded $4.1 million. Additionally, the housing authority paid $400,000, and Officer Liang ordered to pay $25,000 to Ballinger, the mother of Gurley’s daughter.

Author Profile

Multiple business owner Euell Dixon (formerly Nielsen) was born on November 3, 1973, in Sewell, New Jersey. The youngest daughter of scientist and author Eustace A. Dixon II and Travel Agent Eleanor Forman, Euell was an early reader and began tutoring at The Verbena Ferguson Tutoring Center for Adults at the age of 13. She has owned and operated five different companies in the past 20 years including Show and Touch, Stitch This, Get Twisted, Dimaje Photography, and Island Treazures.

Euell is a Veteran of the U.S. Army (Reserves) and a member of the Order of Eastern Star, House of Zeresh #103. She is also the 3rd Historian for First African Presbyterian Church, the nation’s oldest African American Presbyterian church, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Additionally, Euell is also a photographer, storyteller, fiber artist, and a historical re-enactor, portraying the lives of Patriot Hannah Till, Elizabeth Gloucester, and Henrietta Duterte. Euell has been writing for Blackpast.org since 2014 and was given an award from the site in 2016 for being the only African American female who had almost 100 entries at the time. Since then, she has written over 300 entries. Euell currently lives in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.


Dixon, E. (2017, October 21). Akai Kareem Gurley (1986-2014). BlackPast.org. https://new.blackpast.org/african-american-history/gurley-akai-kareem-1986-2014/

Source of the Author's Information:

Stephanie Clifford, “Brooklyn Grand Jury to Examine Akai Gurley Shooting Death,” New York Times, December 5, 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/06/nyregion/brooklyn-grand-jury-to-examine-akai-gurley-shooting-death.html; Sarah Maslin Nir, “Officer Peter Liang Convicted in Fatal Shooting of Akai Gurley in Brooklyn,” New York Times, February 11, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/12/nyregion/officer-peter-liang-convicted-in-fatal-shooting-of-akai-gurley-in-brooklyn.html; Jason Slotkin, “Akai Gurley’s family settles with New York City over police shooting death,” NPR.org, August 16, 2016, http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/16/490155733/akai-gurleys-family-settles-with-new-york-city-over-police-shooting-death.

Further Reading