George S. Jeffrey (1830-1906)

January 19, 2007 
/ Contributed By: Eric A. Smith

Connecticut counties|

Connecticut counties

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Although he never held public office, George S. Jeffrey barber, orator, and post-reconstruction civil rights leader, emerged as one of the most important African American political figures in late 19th Century Connecticut.  Jeffrey was born in Middletown, Connecticut in 1830, to free parents George W. and Mary Ann (Campbell) Jeffrey. By 1851, Jeffrey settled in Meriden, Connecticut and became a successful barber. Nine years later he married Martha Agnes Williams who by the late 1870s established a successful hairdressing emporium. Jeffrey was also known for his debating abilities.  His temperance lecture “Sacrifice,” given in Meriden in 1879, drew an audience of several hundred people.

Jeffrey soon became a recognized leader on a local and statewide level. The Lincoln Club of Meriden, a Republican organization, was formed in 1877. In that same year Richard Jeffrey, the brother of George, became the first president. George Jeffrey was appointed the organization’s president in 1878, a post he held until 1886.

In the spring of 1880 black leaders of several Connecticut cities and towns met in Meriden to authorize Jeffrey as their representative at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Chicago, to protest the failure of the GOP to protect black male voters in the South.

In February 1887, Jeffrey spoke before the Connecticut State legislature to support a bill that would prohibit life insurance companies from discriminating against people of color. Jeffrey’s efforts were instrumental in the passage of the bill, the first in the nation to address this type of discrimination.

George Jeffrey, of both African and Native American ancestry, was also a member of the Narragansett, Niantic and Montauk tribes. In the early 1900s Jeffrey was a part of the Montauk council of administration that initiated a lawsuit against the Long Island Railroad for the recovery of Montauk Point on Long Island, New York.  New York Supreme Court Justice Abel S. Blackmar ruled in favor of the railroad claiming that the Montauk were not Indians because they had largely intermarried with African Americans.

George S. Jeffrey died on December 6, 1906 in Meriden, Connecticut.  His pallbearers included the Governor of Connecticut, Abiram Chamberlain, and the Mayor of Meriden, Connecticut, Benjamin Page.

About the Author

Author Profile

Eric A. Smith is a lecturer, teacher, author, historian, and television talk show host. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and Masters of Arts Degree in History from Chicago State University. Eric is also a member of Phi Alpha Theta National Honor Society and has served as Past President of the Afro-American Genealogical & Historical Society of Chicago.

Eric has published articles in the Afro-American Genealogical & Historical Society of Chicago Newsletter and the Iowa Genealogical Journal, Hawkeye Heritage. His book Oak Hill: A Portrait of Black Life in Cedar Rapids, 1920-1950, (Los Angeles: Amen-Ra Theological Seminary Press, 2006), appeared in September, 2006. Eric's work has also appeared on websites such as Jefferson's Blood and been utilized by the PBS series, Frontline. Eric has given educational presentations on history and genealogy in numerous venues including in the Chicago Public Schools, The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, the University of Illinois, Chicago; Chicago State University and the Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc., National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in October 2006.


Smith, E. (2007, January 19). George S. Jeffrey (1830-1906).

Source of the Author's Information:

Colleen Cyr, George Jeffrey and the Insurance Bill of 1887 (October 2003); Meriden Public Library, vertical file collection; Eric A. Smith, Blacks in Early Connecticut, Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society Inc., National Conference, Washington, D.C. (October 2005).

Further Reading