William Chester Ruth (1882-1971)

December 31, 2012 
/ Contributed By: Anita Wills


William Chester Ruth

Courtesy Anita Wills|

William Chester Ruth was an African American inventor, business owner, and community leader in Chester County, Pennsylvania.  Ruth was the son of Samuel and Maria Louisa Pinn-Ruth.  The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment liberated Samuel, a former slave, when it occupied Savannah, Georgia in 1865 while Maria Louisa was born free in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  The couple was married in 1872 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.  Ruth was one of twelve children, born on the family farm on July 19, 1882.

As a child, Ruth had an inquisitive nature, which led him to invent numerous pieces of farm equipment and machinery.  Although he was not well educated, he learned farming and blacksmithing from his father.  Ruth married Gertrude Miller on June 6, 1906, and they had one son, Joseph.  In 1917, the couple moved to Gap, Pennsylvania where six years later he opened Ruth’s Ironworks Shop, instantly becoming the only African American in the region to have his own manufacturing business.  Ruth designed and patented numerous agricultural devices from 1924 to 1950.

Ruth’s first patented invention was the Combination Baler Feeder in 1924.  He sold over 5,000 Baler-Feeder machines across the U.S. Around the same time Ruth also invented the farm elevator used to transport hay to silos and in the American commercially harvested mushroom industry.

In 1928, Ruth invented an 87-part automatic tie for a hay baler.  Because its design was so intricate and involved, patent attorneys labeled its working mechanism a “complicated mess” and consequently it took two years before the patent office recognized his invention.  Ruth sold over 5,000 of the automatic ties to Great Plains farmers in the United States and Canada.  His next invention, the Mechanical Cinder Spreader, was used to spread cinders over icy roads.  In 1934, Ruth sold 150 of the Mechanical Cinder Spreaders to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Ruth’s fame spread and at the beginning of World War II when he was 60, he was commissioned by the United States government to design and manufacture secret wartime devices for airplanes and bombsights during World War II.  Some of his inventions were later used in the design of the Trident Missile in the 1950s.
William Chester Ruth died in an automobile accident in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on April 3, 1971.  He was 89.

Author Profile

Ms. Wills was born and raised in Pennsylvania and currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her interest in History began with a Oral History passed to her from her mother. Her research and documentation of her afro/indigenous ancestors go back through Colonial Virginia. She is a writer and Author of 7 books: Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color (including Revised Edition), Pieces of the Quilt: the Mosaic of An African American Family, Black Minqua: the Life and Times of Henry Green, A Nation of Flaws: Justus in the Homeland, Along the Rappahannock Homeland of the Nanzatico Indian Nation, and Minqua Unami Okehocking & The Down River Nations. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Monacan Indian Nation.

Ms. Wills was a genealogy researcher for Ancestry.com for several years. She is a speaker and her first book, Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color is featured on C-Spans book site (September 2005). Her focus is on Free Persons of Color and the North Eastern Woodland Indians (Algounquin, Iroquois, Susquehanna). She connected to who served in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. She has written numerous articles for Dickinson College and other outlets including Article on the Underground Railroad is included in the curriculum for Homeschooled High Schoolers in Black History 365 (BH365).


Wills, A. (2012, December 31). William Chester Ruth (1882-1971). BlackPast.org. https://new.blackpast.org/african-american-history/ruth-william-chester-1882-1971/

Source of the Author's Information:

“Ruth Claims Invention of Secret Weapon,” Ebony Magazine, October 1950;
Joan M. Lorenz, A History of Salisbury Township (Morgantown, West
Virginia: Masthof Press, 2002); Anita L. Wills, Pieces of the Quilt: The
Mosaic of an African American Family
(Charleston, South Carolina:
BookSurge, 2004).

Further Reading