St. Martin De Porres Club (1947- )

October 28, 2011 
/ Contributed By: Tekla Ali Johnson

|The De Porres Club

Meeting of Remaining De Porres Club Members

Courtesy Jack Angus

The St. Martin De Porres Club was founded in 1947 by Father John P. Markoe, S.J., a  priest, and Creighton University students interested in local civil rights issues in Omaha, Nebraska.   Father Markoe was assigned to St. Benedict the Moor Parish at 2423 Grant Street in Omaha earlier that year after leaving a Parish in St. Louis, Missouri where his civil rights activism had been heavily criticized.  His new Omaha Parish, St. Benedicts, served 500 African American Catholics among Omaha’s predominantly Protestant black population of 14,000.

While the local Catholic Church hierarchy saw the role of St. Benedict primarily to “to lead [black] people to Christ,” Father Markoe focused on white racism which he felt was the major problem facing his parishioners and predominantly black North Omaha.  Naming the club after an early 17th Century Afro-Peruvian priest who dedicated his life to helping the poor of Lima, Markoe and the university students of the De Porres Club used various tactics such as boycotts and picketing to challenge residential segregation and job discrimination more than a decade before similar tactics would be employed by Southern civil rights activists.

By the fall of 1948, the Club’s civil rights activities were well known and respected in black North Omaha.  As club membership grew, Markoe petitioned the Church to provide a regular meeting location.  The De Porres Center opened at 1914 N. 24th Street and was fully operational by the following summer.  Beverly Hovendick, the De Porres Center’s first Director, led a half dozen full-time staff and many more volunteers.  Paid staff members were required to live near the Center, and the sole qualification for volunteers was to devote “time and energy toward eliminating Jim Crow from Omaha.”  The De Porres Center offered a lending library and sponsored a guest lecture series geared toward developing innovative approaches for ending racial segregation and oppression.

Well known Club members included Bertha Calloway (who later founded the Great Plains Black History Museum), Mildred Brown, owner of the African American weekly the Omaha Star, Denny Holland, Wilbur Phillips, Claude Organ, Felix and Raymon Metoyer, Herb Patton, Hallie Patton, Joan Bradley, Ted Cunningham, and Donny Bulter.  By 1950 the Club was no longer mostly Catholic.

In April 1949, the Club held a series of interracial youth rallies at Omaha’s Technical High School where ideas for direct action protests were generated.  The Club’s first major campaign in 1949 involved a boycott and pickets of city busses.  Later protests were directed at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company and Reid’s Ice Cream, which refused to hire blacks, and Cross-town Skating Rink and the Safeway Cab Company which banned African American customers.  All of these protest campaigns were successful.

Club activities continued throughout the 1950s.  In the summer of 1959, for example, Club President Wilbur Phillips, and six members demonstrated outside of the Omaha Board of Education headquarters,  protesting the board’s policy of refusing to hire black teachers in the city’s public schools.

Considered a radical organization in its day, the De Porres Club led desegregation efforts in Omaha up to 1960.   The Center remains a hub for human rights activities in Omaha today.

About the Author

Author Profile

Tekla Ali Johnson earned a Ph.D. in history with an emphasis in African American Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. At UNL she studied World System Theory with Andre Gunder Frank and, Africology and Kawaida Methodology at the Black Studies Department at UNO, with Dr. James Conyers. As a former traveling spouse, Ali Johnson taught Africana Studies on a number of campuses including: North Carolina A & T State University, Johnson C. Smith University and Salem College in North Carolina, Harris Stowe State and Clarkson University. She has served as Coordinator of the African & African American Studies Minor, Coordinator of the History Program, and co-founder of an emerging Concentration in Public History. From 2010-2014 She taught Africana Studies, Public History, and Women’s History at a women’s college. After a residency at the James Weldon Johnson African American Interdisciplinary Institute at Emory University, and an encounter there with the archives and person of Alice Walker, Ali Johnson acquired a degree in library science with an emphasis on Archives. Her first book ‘Free Radical’: Ernest Chambers, Black Power, and the Politics of Race (Texas Tech University Press, 2012) earned a national book award from the National Council of Black Studies, 2013, and a State Book award from Nebraska. Dr. Ali Johnson is a member of the faculty at the University of South Carolina where she teaches African American and Africana Studies. Her research focus is social justice. Ali Johnson is the Acting Secretary of the national Black Power Archives Collective. Her Current research includes a study of the mid-west chapter of the Black Panther Party, and forced relocation of African Americans through urban renewal. She is co-writing a manuscript entitled Forgotten Comrades.


Johnson, T. (2011, October 28). St. Martin De Porres Club (1947- ).

Source of the Author's Information:

Lowrie J. Daly, S.J., “Backyard Mission in Omaha,” Jesuit Missions
(September 1949); De Porres Club, “You for the Black and White Story,”
April 10, 1949, “Bulletin” Omaha De Porres Center, July 14, 1949;
“As advertised, Pickets March to Make Point About Negro Teachers,”
Omaha and Dundee Sun, July 9, 1959; Jeffrey Harrison Smith, “The Omaha
De Porres Club,” M.A. Thesis, Creighton University, 1967.

Further Reading


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