David Walker (1785-1830)

January 17, 2007 
/ Contributed By: Thabiti Asukile

Walker's Appeal

Walker's Appeal

Public Domain Document

The fiery-militant David Walker was born on September 28, 1785, in Wilmington, North Carolina.  His father was an enslaved African who died a few months before his son’s birth, and his mother was a free woman of African ancestry. Walker grew up to despise the system of slavery that the U.S. government allowed in America.  He knew the cruelties of slavery were not for him and said, “As true as God reigns, I will be avenged for the sorrow which my people have suffered.”  He eventually moved to Boston during the 1820s and became very active within the free black community.  Walker’s intense hatred for slavery culminated in him publishing his Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World in September 1829. The Appeal was smuggled into the southern states, and was considered subversive, seditious, and incendiary by most white men in both northern and southern states.  It was, without a doubt, one of the most controversial documents published in the antebellum period.

Walker was concerned about many social issues affecting free and enslaved Africans in America during the time.  He also expressed many beliefs that would become commonly promoted by later black nationalists such as: unified struggle for resistance of oppression (slavery), land reparations, self-government for people of African descent in America, racial pride, and a critique of American capitalism.  His radical views prompted southern planters to offer a $3000 bounty for anyone who killed Walker and $10,000 reward for anyone who returned him alive back to the South.  Walker was found dead in the doorway of his Boston home in 1830.  Some people believed he was poisoned and others believed that he died of tuberculosis.

About the Author

Author Profile

Thabiti Asukile received his B.A. in Africana & Asian-American Studies at Cal-State Dominguez in 1995; M.A. in African-African Studies from Temple University in 1998; African American Studies Summer Institute UCLA 2001: and his Ph.D. in American History from University of California-Berkeley in 2007. His historical and biographical interests are varied but they include African History; African American History; African Diaspora History, Modern European History, Egyptology, and Nubian Studies. He has recently returned to researching and writing an immense two-volume biography about the Africana/Journalist Joel Augustus Rogers (1880-1966). He is also researching biographical projects that include New York Africana historians Arturo A. Schomburg (1874-1938), Willis Nathaniel Huggins (1886-1941), and Charles C. Seifert (1871-1949).


Asukile, T. (2007, January 17). David Walker (1785-1830). BlackPast.org. https://new.blackpast.org/african-american-history/walker-david-1785-1830/

Source of the Author's Information:

Thabiti Asukile, “The All-Embracing Black Nationalist Theories of David Walker’s Appeal,” Black Scholar, 29 (Winter 1999), 16–24.

Further Reading