Casey Grant

Casey Grant shares her passion about Black pioneers in aviation whenever she has the opportunity. To her credit, she is an award-winning author of three books on the subject. Her first book, Stars in the Sky, addresses the history of the first Black stewardesses and other Black pioneers in aviation. For her second book, Color Your Way to Black Heroes in the Sky, Ms. Grant gives children the opportunity to learn and be interactive at the same time. In Stars and Beyond, Ms. Grant relates stories of Black heroes in aviation that is suitable for young readers and history buffs of all ages. Her stories, based partly on her own experience as one of the first African American stewardesses for Delta Air Lines, shares her passion on the subject and relates the trials and tribulations pioneers endured from overt racism to occasional deadly encounters, as well as the good times flying around the world. Retired after thirty-five years, Ms. Grant hosts her own radio podcast, The Fly Girl Show, that offers insights into the lives of early Black pioneers in aviation and other history makers. Born into a military family, Ms. Grant began her education in England, lived in Libya, and spent her formative years in Rantoul, Illinois. Website:
Articles by Casey Grant