Miles Jackson

Miles M. Jackson is Professor and Dean Emeritus from the University of Hawaii. He has lived in Hawaii for 32 years and prior to that was with the State University of New York, Atlanta University and Hampton Institute. His research since 1980 has been concerned mostly with African Americans in Hawaii. His most recent books are: And They Came: A Brief History of Blacks in Hawaii, Four G Press, 2001, and They Followed the Trade Winds: African Americans in Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press, 2005. He is a contributor to the Honolulu Advertiser and writes a monthly column for Mahogany Magazine. Professor Jackson’s academic background includes a Ph.D. degree from the Newhouse School of Communication, Syracuse University. He has traveled widely in the South Pacific and Asia and was a Fulbright Professor at the University of Tehran, Iran in 1968-69. At the present time he is producing a documentary film on African Americans in Hawaii
Articles by Miles Jackson