Professor of Law and Director of Mexico Latin America Initiatives for Seattle University
B.S. from Northwestern University
J.D. from DePaul University
LL.M. from Columbia University; has served as professor emeritus
Director of the Center for Afro-American Studies
Director of the School of Law LL.M. program at UCLA
Professor Henry McGee, currently a Professor of Law and Director of MexicoLatin America Initiatives for Seattle University, holds a B.S. from Northwestern University (1954), a J.D. from DePaul University (1957) and an LL.M. from Columbia University (1970). He was editor-in-chief of the DePaul Law Review, a member of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, member of the Order of the Coif. Professor McGee has served as a county prosecutor in Chicago, litigator in a Chicago law firm, civil rights attorney in Mississippi, and regional director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity Legal Services Program. He also participated in generating funding for government-aided legal assistance programs in the Midwest.
Professor McGee has taught at the University of California/Los Angeles, where he is professor emeritus, and served as director of the UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies, and as director of the UCLA School of Law LL.M. program. He won the Arthur Sutherland Public Service Award in 1990 at UCLA, and was honored by the Los Angeles City Council for accomplishments as a human rights advocate.
A Fulbright Professor at the University of Madrid (Complutense) in 1982, he won a second Fulbright to the university in 2002 as senior researcher and visiting professor. Additionally, Professor McGee has visited and taught at other universities in Europe, Latin America and South Africa. Currently, he is a Fellow of the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law. In addition to his service as a board member of 1000 Friends of Washington, Professor McGee is a violinist with the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra.