
African American Museums in the United States

We at BlackPast have gathered together bibliographies that reflect either major academic works on the African American or Global African past or specialized collections such as the Youth Bibliography that feature major books for young readers. The bibliographies also include special collections such as the Setting Aside Race list by librarian Robert Fikes and a bibliography related to President Barack Obama.  These bibliographies will be updated periodically to reflect recently released titles. BlackPast receives a percentage of the sale price of each book on these pages sold through so we encourage you to purchase them here and in the process, support BlackPast.

African American History Bibliography

This is a comprehensive lists of books related to African American history.

Global African History Bibliography

See the major works on African history here.

Bibliography of African American Novels

These are considered the 100 most significant novels related to African America.

Bibliography of African Novels

These are considered the 100 most significant novels related to Africa.

Youth Bibliography

Listed here are some of the most important books about the black world tailored to young readers.

Bibliography on the Obama Presidency

The books collected here are considered the major works related to Barack Obama and his historic Presidency.

Setting Aside Race: Selected books by Black authors in which blackness is not the predominant theme

This curated resource is a hand-picked collection of works by noted librarian Robert Fikes.

Bibliography of Works by BlackPast Contributors

This bibliography lists the many books written by contributors to

If you have suggestions of important books that should be added to these bibliographies, please email us at