Charles Mitchell, Slavery, and Washington Territory in 1860 [Children’s Edition]

July 29, 2021 
/ Contributed By: Quinton McDonald

Map of Oregon

Map of Oregon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This entry is for juvenile audiences. To see the full version of this entry, click here.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Who are they:
Charles Mitchell was born into slavery in 1847 on the Marengo Plantation in Maryland. He was born to a free white man, also named Charles Mitchell, and a slave woman whose name is unknown. In 1855, he was brought to the Washington Territory with the Tilton family. On September 25, 1860, at 13 years old, he attempted to escape to freedom by boarding a steam ship named the Eliza Anderson.

Why are they important to know about:
Slavery is mostly known for its practice throughout the South. There are few examples of slavery occurring in Washington Territory except for the story of Charles Mitchell. His attempt to escape almost caused a war between Canada and the United States due to differences over the legality of slavery.

Details of the event:
The Gibson family of the Marengo Plantation gifted Charles to the Tilton family. Dr. James Tilton had just been appointed as the surveyor general of Washington Territory and he moved there with his family, and Charles in 1855. In 1860, while Charles was running errands for the Tilton family, he encountered a group of free men from Victoria, British Columbia, a Canadian Province. They approached him to convince him that he could be free if he escaped to Canada. They planned to have him board the Eliza Anderson, a steam ship headed to Victoria. On September 24, 1860, Charles stowed away on the ship, only to be discovered midway through the journey. Once the ship docked in Victoria, word spread that Captain John Flemming, planned to return Charles to Olympia. The Black and white Canadians who came to welcome Charles were not happy and threatened to board the ship and set him free. Three members of the welcoming party, including Henry Crease a Victoria barrister, went to court to get a writ of Habeas Corpus (a legal document that demands a prisoner be presented before the court). To prevent the situation from escalating Captain Flemming complied. In court, Chief Justice David Cameron of the court of British Columbia, presided over the case. After hearing both sides he concluded that “no man could be held as a slave on British soil,” and Charles was set free.

Lasting impact:
Charles’ story is another example of the moral implications of slavery. The fact that deciding whether he should be returned or not almost caused a war between two nations is evidence of the extreme differences of opinion and of the importance of the issue for people on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border.

What we learned from this event:
Though slavery was not widely practiced in the North, no part of this country was exempt from it. However, wherever slavery was present there were those who fought against it.

Author Profile

Quinton McDonald is an author/ entrepreneur from Little Rock, Arkansas. He has a degree in Business from the University of Maryland. As a self-published author, he currently has a children’s book for young girls of color titled Yes, you are beautiful too!. Its purpose is to promote more positive self-esteem in a society that praises certain “looks” more than others. He also has a children’s book for young boys of color, Dad, can I ask you a question? which promotes the notion that “you can accomplish anything you put your mind to regardless of circumstances.”

As an advocate for the power of positive thought, McDonald has had the opportunity to speak to multiple youth groups through community organizations and public schools. His third book, 4 Children, 3 Baby Mommas, 2 Divorces Later…: What I learned from failing in my Relationships, addresses improving the quality of relationships. He takes his own experience and lessons learned and openly shares them to help others where they may need it. Because of this he has been invited to speak in several forums about common relationship issues and ways to overcome them. Lastly, Quinton has been a member of the United States Navy for over 12 years and has served the country around the world. Through all, his primary mission is to contribute to the improvement of the lives of people of color, especially the youth.

Children's Page


McDonald, Q. (2021, July 29). Charles Mitchell, Slavery, and Washington Territory in 1860 [Children’s Edition].

Further Reading