The 1830s saw an unprecedented wave of mob violence in the Northern states. The Pennsylvania Hall fire is one such case of violence spurred by racial/gender tensions. The hall had several rooms and a large auditorium that seated three hundred people. A Board of Managers who “took pains to make it clear that the hall was not exclusively for the use of abolitionists” managed the hall. This was possible since the hall had several rooms and was two stories high. A series of meetings took place in the hall; some dealt with the women’s suffrage movement, others concerned the abolitionist movement. The presence of women speaking at the podium and whites and African Americans advocating for the abolition of slavery as well as women’s suffrage was more than the enemies of equality and freedom could bear. On the night of May 17, 1838, a mob congregated outside the hall. A messenger was sent to ask for police protection; but no help was sent, and the hall was set ablaze. In one of those ironies that point to the senselessness of mob violence, the Public Ledger of May 18, 1838 notes that “By [a] law passed by late legislature, it [was] provided that the injury done to any property from the violence of mobs, [was] to be compensated for out of the public funds of the district; so that this act [was] in effect destroying our own property.” The Public Ledger of May 21, 1838 stated that the Pennsylvania Hall fire stood as a case of the contrast between the rule of the mob and the rule of the law. The destruction of the hall exemplified an attempt of the mob to silence the voices of freedom and equality.
Pennsylvania Hall Fire (1838)

Destruction by Fire of Pennsylvania Hall
Illustration by J. C. Wild
About the Author

Alicia J. Rivera is currently an Assistant Professor in history at California State University, Fresno in Fresno, California. She is a registered nurse who in her latter years became interested in American history, particularly in issues of labor and race. Ms. Rivera has received many awards for her work, among them California State, Fresno Social Science’s Dean’s Medal and a Ronald E. McNair Scholarship while attending California State University–Fresno. She holds a BSN from the University of Costa Rica and a BSA and a MA in history from California State University, Fresno. Ms. Rivera’s work has been published in numerous encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia of African American Biography. Her work on the San Diego Superior Court Case, Lemon Grove v. Roberto Alvarez was published in The Journal of Latin/Latino American Studies, (JOLLAS).
Rivera, A. (2007, February 12). Pennsylvania Hall Fire (1838).
Further Reading

Addison Barry Rand (1944-2018)

Windhoek, Namibia (1840- )

Ernest James Gaines (1933-2019)

(1920) Archibald Grimke, “The Shame of America, or the Negro’s Case Against the Republic”

Roderick Raynor Paige (1933- )

Charles “Charlie” Parker, Jr. (1920-1955)

Harold Bradley (1929- )