
Edmond Albius (1829-1880)
Edmond Albius was born a slave in 1829, in St. Suzanne, on the island Réunion. His mother died during childbirth,...
September 13th, 2020

Gratien Candace (1873-1953)
French teacher and politician Gratien Candace was born on December 18, 1873 in Guadeloupe, a French overseas territory. His father Edouard was born in Guadeloupe as well,...
February 25th, 2018

Jean Baptiste Lislet-Geoffroy (a.k.a. Geoffroy L’Islet, 1755-1836)
Pioneering cartographer and meteorologist Jean-Baptist Lislet-Geoffroy was born August 23, 1755 in Saint-Pierre, Réunion, a French island colony in the...
September 20th, 2017

Gaston Monnerville (1897–1991)
“Image Ownership: Public Domain” Born in Cayenne, French Guiana to parents Marc Saint-Yves Monnerville and Marie-Françoise Orville, Gaston Monnerville was...
March 1st, 2015

Blaise Diagne (1872-1934)
Galaye M’baye Diagne, the first African elected at the French National Assembly and to obtain a post in the French...
February 26th, 2009