North America-Canada-Yukon
The 97th Engineering Regiment (1941-1948)
In 1941 the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the construction agent for the War Department, maintained construction battalions...
April 26th, 2021
The 93rd Engineer Regiment (1941-1945)
With a small cadre of white officers and Black NCOs, the segregated 93rd Engineer Battalion (600 men) was activated on...
April 14th, 2021
Injustice in Alaska Territory: The World War II Court-martial of Ten Black Soldiers Who Helped Build the ALCAN Highway
In their latest book on the Black soldiers who helped build the Alcan Highway during World War II, authors Christine...
February 28th, 2021
The Construction of the Alaska Highway, 1942: The Role of Race in the Far North
In the following article independent historians Christine and Dennis McClure describe the role race played in the construction of the...
October 23rd, 2017
95th Engineer Regiment
The African American-manned 95th Engineer Battalion (General Service) was formed in April 1941 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia as part of...
January 18th, 2007