Alex Manly (1866-1944)

Alex Manly (1866-1944)

Alex Manly was editor of the Daily Record, a black newspaper from Wilmington, North Carolina at the time of the Wilmington Riot in 1898. Manly was born near Raleigh, North Carolina in 1866.  He was reportedly a descendent of Governor Charles Manly and Corrine Manly, a...
Charles S. Johnson (1893-1956)

Charles S. Johnson (1893-1956)

Charles Spurgeon Johnson, one of the leading 20th century black sociologists, was born in Bristol, Virginia on July 24, 1893. After receiving his B.A. from Virginia Union University in Richmond, he studied sociology with the noted sociologist Robert E. Park at the...
Detroit Race Riot (1967)

Detroit Race Riot (1967)

The Detroit Race Riot in Detroit, Michigan in the summer of 1967 was one of the most violent urban revolts in the 20th century.  It came as an immediate response to police brutality but underlying conditions including segregated housing and schools and rising black...