Racial Violence – Urban Uprisings 1960-2000

Overtown-Liberty City (Miami) Riot (1989)
On January 16, 1989, Miami police officer William Lozano shot and killed Clement Lloyd, an African American motorcyclist. Allen Blanchard,...
March 4th, 2022

Tampa Bay Race Riot (1967)
The Tampa Bay Race Riot was one of dozens of race riots that occurred in U.S. cities during the spring...
December 25th, 2020

The Nashville Race Riot (1967)
The Nashville Race Riot occurred on April 8, 1967 when African American students from Fisk University and Tennessee A&I University...
February 9th, 2020

Asbury Park Race Riot (1970)
Asbury Park, New Jersey’s West Side district—predominantly black and housing 40% of the town’s permanent population—was consumed by rioting from July 4 to...
July 1st, 2018

Camden, New Jersey Riots (1969 and 1971)
The city of Camden, New Jersey was the setting for two deadly race-related riots on September 2nd, 1969, and August 20th, 1971. Both riots...
July 1st, 2018

Tucson Race Riot (1967)
Few people are aware of the race riot that occurred in Tucson, Arizona, in 1967. The riot was caused by...
March 25th, 2018

West Las Vegas Riot (1992)
The West Las Vegas Riot occurred on April 30, 1992 in the predominantly black Westside of Las Vegas, Nevada. The riot came a...
March 25th, 2018

Hartford, Connecticut Riot (1969)
Hartford, Connecticut in the late 1960’s was a city immersed in racial unrest, class disputes, and activism. The city was a dichotomy between the...
March 1st, 2018

Grand Rapids Uprising (1967)
The 1967 Grand Rapids Uprising occurred on July 25, 1967 in a predominantly black and impoverished neighborhood in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The uprising...
January 13th, 2018