United States-Indian Territory
Ladies’ Refugee Aid Society (1864)
The Ladies Refugee Aid Society of Kansas was founded in 1864 by black freedwomen in Lawrence. It was the first...
July 22nd, 2017
Indian Severalty (The Dawes and Curtis Acts) and Black Indian Freedmen
In the late nineteenth century, black Indian freedmen were uniquely affected by the Indian Severalty Acts. Black freedmen had lived...
July 16th, 2017
Second Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment (1863-1865)
Battle Flag of the Second Kansas Colored Infantry Regiment “Image Ownership: Kansas Historical Society” The Second Kansas Colored Regiment, also...
July 10th, 2014
Juneteenth: The Growth of an African American Holiday (1865- )
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Juneteenth Minidoc [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]In the article below, historian Quintard Taylor describes the origins and evolution of the Juneteenth...
June 17th, 2011
First Kansas Colored Infantry (1862-1865)
The First Kansas Colored Infantry Regiment was established through the efforts of James H. Lane, the U.S. Senator from Kansas...
March 28th, 2011
Billy Bowlegs/Holata Micco (1810-1864)
Holata Micco is widely considered a descendant of the “Seminole” founding Hitchiti-speaking Oconee family of “Cowkeeper” of Cuscowilla Town on...
January 23rd, 2008
Annie Box Neal (1870-1950)
Annie Box Neal was the proprietor and manager of the Mountain View Hotel in Oracle, Arizona, a western mining town...
July 9th, 2007
William “Curly” Neal (1849-1936)
William “Curly” Neal helped turn a frontier western mining camp in the Santa Catalina Mountains of Arizona into a booming...
June 29th, 2007
John Horse (ca. 1812-1882)
John Horse, also known as Juan Caballo, John Cowaya, or Gopher John was the dominant personality in Seminole Maroon affairs...
January 21st, 2007