Using In the Classroom

Teacher Strategies for Effectively Incorporating the Website into Everyday Instruction
With over 10,000 pages of information, is the single largest free and unrestricted resource on African American and African history on the Internet today. The articles and outlines below are suggestions and guides provided by teachers to help other instructors effectively utilize this vast resource. Click on to any of the major headings, Lessons, Teachers Thinking About Topics, or Fun Stuff, or their subheadings to be taken to pages that describe in detail the outlines and suggestions. All of this information was compiled by classroom teachers.
Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. Du Bois: Structured Academic Controversy
Lee Micklin, Bothell High School and Skyview Junior High, Bothell, Washington
Through the study of speeches, and other primary documents students will identify and understand the differing positions of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois on the following topics: Black Advancement, Race relations, and Education. Students work in teams engaging in a Structured Academic Controversy, involving both debate and consensus. In a follow-up writing assignment students will express their own position in either a persuasive or synthesis essay.
Adam Gish, Garfield High School, Seattle, Washington
Students will listen to Paul Robeson’s “Old Man River”, read “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar and study excerpts from W.E.B. Du Bois “Souls of Black Folk, Our Spiritual Strivings, Chapter I”. This essential question is considered: What are our human masks? What do they cover? How and why do we wear them? The lesson culminates in creating a symbolic and artistic mask and communicating about it with others in a gallery walk.
Civil Rights Speeches: A Rhetorical Analysis
Joel C. Jacobson, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle, Washington.
Four historic speeches explore the tensions found within the American ideals of individual liberty and universal equality. Each speech argues a position in regards to how these ideals should relate to the application of civil rights within a nation that struggles to come to terms with its radical declaration that all people are created equal and endowed with the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Studying the four speeches, including Malcolm X’s “Racial Separation,” Lyndon B. Johnson’s “The Voting Rights Act,” George Wallace’s “Segregation Now, Segregation Forever,” given in the 1960s in the midst of the civil rights movement, and one contemporary speech Barack Obama’s “Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention” will allow students to explore how the speakers use rhetorical strategies to present their ideas on a topic that continues to be relevant today.
Teachers Thinking About Topics:
In this section various teachers use to discuss how they grapple with the major historical and contemporary topics. Using “Toni Morrison’s “Playing in the Dark” and other features from, Doug Edelstein, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle, Washington, discusses in an essay titled, Teaching Race in Schools in the 21st Century, the implications and challenges all teachers face in providing instruction on race in literature, history, and social studies.
David Kilpatrick-White, Bothell High School and Canyon Park Junior High School, Bothell, Washington, in an essay titled, How to Use Controversial Images to Engage Students in History, considers some of the successful and unsuccessful outcomes that may incur when teachers use photographs and other images to engage students in history. He shares some Do’s and Don’t’s in using images to achieve sensitizing vs. sensationalizing results. Also included are creative ideas for using photographs in the social studies curriculum.
Fun Stuff:
Jeopardy: African American Firsts
This section, developed by Robert Mueller, Skyview Junior High, Bothell, Washington,and Dr. Annjennette McFarlin, Professor Emeritus, Grossman Community College, San Diego, California, is dedicated to using games and other fun activities as education tools. Featured this month is a Jeopardy Board and Activity: African American Firsts in Sports. Use this as a model for those you might devise for your classes. And please share the best of your games with so they can be used by teachers around the world.
Jeopardy Board: African American Firsts in Sports
Lesson, How to Use the Jeopardy Board: African American Firsts in Sport (PDF)
We Recommend:
- The Story of Africa, BBC World Service
- The Teaching Africa Outreach Program, Boston University African Studies Center
- In Motion: The TransAtlantic Slave Trade
The United States, 1776 to 1860
- The Declaration of Independence, Created Equal? The Library of Congress
- John Horse and the Black Seminoles
- Slavery in the United States: Primary Sources and the Historical Record
- The Christiana Riot Lesson Plan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
- Ken Burns’ The Civil War: Lesson Plan
- The Reconstruction Amendments, PBS Learning Media
- Robert Smalls: From Slavery to Politics, PBS Learning Media
The Era of Racial Segregation, 1878-1920
- African American Identity in the Gilded Age, Library of Congress
- After Reconstruction: Problems of African Americans in the South, Library of Congress
- The Supreme Court: The Civil Rights Cases, PBS Learning Media
- The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Booker T. Washington, An Education, PBS Learning Media
- Charlotte Hawkins Brown, PBS Learning Media
- Lucy Laney, PBS Learning Media
- Pap Singleton to Kansas, PBS Learning Media
- Segregation: From Jim Crow to Linda Brown, Library of Congress
- The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Blacks and Whites in the New South, PBS Learning Media
- The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Ned Cobb, Fighting for the Farmer, PBS Learning Media
- The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow, Isiah Montgomery Founds Mound Bayou, PBS Learning Media
- The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Edisto Island, PBS Learning Media
- Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois: The Conflict, PBS Learning Media
- Ida B. Wells, A Lifetime of Activism, PBS Learning Media
- The Atlanta Riot, 1906, PBS Learning Media
- The Crisis: A Weapon Against Jim Crow, PBS Learning Media
- Segregated Schooling in South Carolina, PBS Learning Media
The Rise of Black Urban America, 1920-1950
- In Motion: The Great Migration
- Understanding the Great Migration, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Strange Fruit: A Song Born of Protest, PBS Learning Media
- What Was the Harlem Renaissance? A Walk Through Harlem, PBS Learning Media
Civil Rights-Black Power, 1951-1980
- Barbara Johns of Farmville, Virginia, PBS Learning Media
- Separate is Not Equal: Brown v. Board of Education, Smithsonian National Museum of American History
- Charles Hamilton Houston and his Legal Challenge Against Jim Crow, PBS Learning Media
- Simple Justice: A Handful of Lawyers, PBS Learning Media
- By Popular Demand: Jackie Robinson and Other Baseball Highlights, 1860s to 1960s, Library of Congress
- Places and People of the Civil Rights Movement, National Endowment for the Humanities
- Black Panther Party Lesson Plan, Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, University of Washington
- The Hyde County School Boycott, PBS Learning Media
The United States in the 21st Century, 2001–